Saturday, April 4, 2009

Manual installation of Php 5.2

I was trying to install Php 5.2. But I faced several problems while doing so. My OS is Windows XP. Php website is I downloaded the windows installer. But it was quitting abruptly. Then I had to switch to manual installation. A comprehensive document is already provided on this link But I extracted the main points from the manual so that installation will be easier for me, if needed again. The steps also include configuring IIS.

Following are the steps:
  1. Download the zip file (windows binaries) from
  2. Extract the zip file to C:\php
  3. By default there are 2 .ini files - php.ini-dist and php.ini-recommended. Use php.ini-recommended and rename it to php.ini. Set the necessary settings required for the application to be built in php.ini. Copy php.ini from C:\php to C:\Winnt.
  4. Copy php5isapi.dll from C:\php to C:\Winnt\system32
  5. Go to Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Internet Services Manager
  6. In ISM, select 'Default Website' Properties. Go to ISAPI Filter tab. 'Add' new filter. Filter Name -> php and Executable -> C:\php\php5isapi.dll
  7. In ISM, Select 'Home Directory' tab. Press 'Configuration' button. Add ext -> php and executable -> C:\php\php5isapi.dll
  8. Restart IIS service
  9. Test php installation.

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