Monday, December 24, 2007

Book Review: Pride and Prejudice

Book: Pride and Prejudice

Author: Jane Austen

I read this book and was very fascinated by the (romantic) story. The english language is very rich. Specially the author had written this book in early 1800s. Hence author definitely deserves lot of appreciation.

Lessons (for me): Never be prejudiced. A lot of times first impression is the last impression. But one must guard against this. Because the first time you meet the person, he may be disappointed or irrated because of some bad time he is having.

Note that at the bottom of the above link there is a link to download the e-book.


amolsledge said...

Hey Parag..

Great start.. Real good way to start with something new...

Keep up the good work...I shall put your blog link on my blog as well..

All the best.


Neelum said...

Pride & Prejudice is a book I always wanted to read, but when I actually bought it, I somehow found it a bit odd..well all that 'English' country world did not appeal to me at all. Althougth the characters did leave some impression on me. But like I said, I did not finish the book. But yes as you rightly said that we must not build our impressions about anyone based on a few meetings. There are lots of dimensions & variables that are beyond the control of a single individual so we all react differently. After all we are only human !!

Parag Sawaikar said...

Thanks bro and vahini!!! blog is probably one of the best ways to share info. Plus we can try out our hand at writing :)